Worship is the heart of every faith community, and it is the heart of ours. The Sunday morning worship service is when we gather to lift up what is of greatest worth, to celebrate life, to seek comfort amidst our struggles, and to connect with the holy — however we name that, through whatever lens we see it.
Our faith community is diverse and inclusive: it comprises people with widely differing theologies, including religious humanists, panentheists, theists, Jews, atheists, agnostics, ethical Christians, earth-based spirituality folks, and more. Our worship language, therefore, reflects that diversity and strives to be as inclusive as we can make it.
Our services generally follow a form derived from our Protestant heritage, with a call to worship, hymns, meditation/prayer, a moment for all ages, readings, a sermon, an offering, and a closing. But the sources of our faith flow to us from many directions, and you are as likely to hear a poem read, or a selection from Darwin, as you may hear a reading from the Bible.
We welcome you to join us Sunday mornings.