Speaker: Rev David Chandler

Making Worship Worthy

Sunday worship services are the core expression of our religious community, the center of energy connected in all its other elements. How does our worship work? How do we understand it so that we may participate in this vital collective activity? Religious Exploration for Children.

Annual Remembrance: “Day of the Dead”

We will celebrate all those who live in our hearts but no longer in our world. Pictures and mementos are welcome for our Altar of Remembrance, and spirit world decorations as well. We will salute all souls with drums and rhythm instruments. All-ages Service.

Six Smooth Stones

The metaphor was five stones for the UU theologian James Luther Adams, but the UUA General Assembly made them one more. Our children are studying this year the “Six Sources” of our living tradition. We should understand them as well. Religious Exploration for children.

Neither Here Nor There

“The Big Sleep.” “The Long Goodbye.” “Snow was general all over Ireland.” The truth of our mortality comes upon us – what does it mean? How does it make us different? Face to face, how can we go about all the living that is still ours to do? Religious Exploration for children.

Of Time and the Reverend

It takes at least seven years to become a UU minister, but nobody knows how long it takes every week to do the job in a congregation. The responsibilities and the tasks don’t align. It is important to understand what that means for FPUU. Religious Exploration for children.

A Quantum of Forgiveness

Way too much forgiveness is needed these days – way too much. But then, hasn’t it always been so? Ancient practice reminds us the motion is what is required. We are not asked to be perfect at forgiving either, just willing to try on occasion. Religious Exploration for children.

Ask the Minister

As you are quite aware, Rev. David knows lots of semi-useful stuff. He may just have an answer for your question. So come prepared to ask away! Ask the big ones; ask the small ones. Taking them one at a time, the minister will try to explain it all. Religious Exploration for children.

Ingathering Sunday

Our first Sunday is to renew and reconnect. Please bring water and words of the heart for Water Communion. Your water can come from anywhere. Your words can tell us where your spirit has journeyed. Whether you were happy or sad or sunburned, whether you felt stretched or squeezed, you are invited to share.

Flower Communion for All Ages

A service to celebrate the beauty of nature, rededicate us to a better world, and honor those martyred for freedom of conscience. Please bring fresh flowers to be joined together, given our blessing and then taken home by each of us. Bridging Sunday.

“My Uncle, Leonardo”

Yes – that Leonardo. We are relatives, you see. So are you. It turns out the gene pool is broad but a little shallower than we may have suspected. The next family reunion may be crowded, but think of the stimulating conversations you’ll have! Religious Exporation for children.