Speaker: Rev David Chandler

Pass the Ballots

The most tumultuous electoral politics in a century has gone on for almost three years, with an end less and less in sight. Long-term grievances, short-term maneuvers, rage and rancor – will America just keep boiling over? Maybe we are broken. No RE today.

Asking for Help

It is a truism that help often comes from sources unlooked for. It might, on the other hand, speed things up if we did some looking in places that may be unfamiliar or even uncomfortable. I’m not using the “p” word here, really – I’m just saying. Religious Exploration offered for children.

Commitment Sunday

“Building On Our Strengths” is the Annual Fund Drive theme this year. Today we will make sure all the bricks are in the wall! We will come forward to turn in our pledges (or virtual pledges, if yours is already in). We will move ahead in community. Religious Exploration offered for children.

Easter Sunday for All Ages

We will begin the service with a Hat Parade for everyone. Plan to don your best chapeau and promenade! We will have a special “egg-sighting” Time for All Ages, spring Choir music, special reading and a homily called “So What?” And egg hunting for the kids!

The Sermon on the Amount

ANNUAL FUND DRIVE SUNDAY will kick off our campaign to support First Parish over the coming fiscal year. “Building On Our Strengths” is this year’s theme. Rev. David shares thoughts on why saying yes is what makes it all possible. Religious Exploration offered for children.

Heaven or Whatever

Fewer and fewer Americans – of any religious persuasion, or none – believe in any specific afterlife. About time people wised up, isn’t it? On the other hand, in what we choose not to believe, we reveal a great deal about who we really are. Religious Exploration offered for children.

A Flexible Certainty

UU belief and UU practice have a certain relationship of disjunction. We have some idiosyncratic ways of bringing faith and works into alignment, but they are also distinctive strengths if we grasp the need for pragmatism in our certainties. Religious Education offered for children. 

All Hat (and No Cattle)

Ministry is not a profession for the shy or uncertain – not, at least, for those who can’t adapt to the demands of public leadership. Here are some thoughts about what to expect in the way of adaptation, and how to consider it healthy – or not. Religious Exploration offered for children

Groundhog Day-after

Bill Murray and Andi McDowell’s famous movie was released in 1993. We likely got the joke a long time ago. But after 25 years, what happens to us on Feb. 3, the day after Groundhog Day? The groundhog goes home – where do we go? Religious Exploration offered for children.

Gilded Splinters

“Winner-take-all” is one increasingly common description of American society. Few experts dispute the chasm of inequality, but fewer agree what might heal it. Is it a fault in our stars or in our systems? Or is it a grudge birthed in darker places? Religious Exploration offered for children.